Our brave Level 7 Senior People Professional Apprentices were the first to take on the Experiential Learning of a Lifetime Residential when they set off to Snowdonia in April… arguably the “chilliest” month of the season!
But, that didn’t stop them! Their positive outlook and determination were reflected as they pushed their comfort zones. Learning more about themselves, their fellow apprentices and their apprenticeship.
One of them even said:
“The residential ticks off many things for people (especially post-pandemic). As future inspirational leaders, we should want to dive into things like this, even if it pushes our comfort zones. It gets us away from the usual work environment, helps build new networks and share experiences and gives new skills whilst building existing ones too. The fact that Emma and Paul were there too at every second was invaluable – you can’t buy that kind of advice, support and experience. Look forward to seeing what future apprentices think :)”